I'm a recently graduated full-stack software developer based in Yorkshire, England. I'm always learning new things and I'm passionate about tech for good. I'm currently looking for my first dev role, so if you think I'd be a good fit, get in touch. Check out my github and view some of my recent projects below.

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My Portfolio

This website was built using GatsbyJS/React and uses GraphQL queries to source data from the Contentful CMS. Styled using sass.



Sprout, an app that allows you to identify, catalogue, and purchase plants. Simply scan a plant to find out what it is and it's care instructions, then either add it to your Garden or Wishlist to keep track of your plants. You can set reminders to water, see nearby shops to purchase items in your wishlist, and earn medals for using Sprout!

React NativeTypeScriptJavaScriptExpoAWS AmplifyCognitoLambdaAmplifyAPI Gateway

NC Daily Newsy

Full stack Reddit style news aggregation board. Articles and comments can be voted on, commented on, sorted by categories/date etc.


Backend NC News

RESTful API allowing access to NC Daily Newsy frontend. Built with Node.js and Express.js, PostgreSQL and deployed with Heroku. Testing carried out with Mocha, Chai and Supertest.



Shook, a book-share website to share and collect the joy of a good book. Search for all yor favourite books, browse currently listed books in kirklees, read information on the book's author and description and sign in securely to view your profile and add to your digital bookshelf.

VueJavaScriptAWS DynamoDBAPI GatewayAmplifyLambdaCognito

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Made with ❤ © 2020 - Anisa Patel.

Built with GatsbyJS, React and GraphQL. The source code can be found on Github.